In the summer of 1997 I attended a romance writing workshop because I thought it would be something fun to do while on vacation. The workshop was held by professional romance writers with specific achievements planned. One was to write twenty-five pages of a new romance novel by the end of the weekend.

Last year while cleaning out some files I discovered this 1997 file. When I opened it and read the contents I decided it was a good start and decided to write the first in a series of a fiction romance book. I went through three manuscripts before submitting a query letter to several traditional publishers. Receiving rejections did not deter me, in fact, one publisher stated, “You are an inspiration. With the pandemic, we are swamped right now and cannot accept any submissions.”

With the realization that even if they did accept my submission it would not make the market until late 2023. Being I had publishing experience I decided to put together a group of editorial and book publishing professionals I had worked with and formed and self-published the first novel, The Lighthouse Beams, Just a Little Something.”

Book two is expected for completion in the Fall of 2022.

As I stated above, I went through three rewrites and multiple editorial edits and provided the much needed story development with narration and dialogue.

Be your creative self and then hire professionals for the publishing aspects. Also, include as I have here a website that is solely dedicated to your book.